
Is payment secure?

Yes, you can have total confidence in our brand of phone covers. All our payments are 100% secure.

What payment methods do you accept?

It is possible to pay by credit card or with PayPal for faster payment.

Is my information secure?

Absolutely secure! All your information is totally secure.


How do I modify my Ohmycase order?

If you wish to modify your order, please contact us as soon as possible by e-mail at : [email protected]

How do I know if my Ohmycase order has been validated?

If your order has been validated, you will instantly receive a confirmation e-mail with your order number.

I've received an item that doesn't match my order. What should I do?

If you have received an item that does not correspond to your order, please check the contents of your order by logging into your account or by consulting the order confirmation e-mail. 

If an error occurs, send an e-mail to [email protected] with a photo of your product. Our team will make sure you receive the right item.


How much does delivery cost?


  • Priority Tracked Delivery + 1-year product warranty: € 9.99 EUR
  • International tracked delivery: Free


  • Priority Tracked Delivery: Free
  • Priority Tracked Delivery + 1-year product warranty: € 9.99 EUR

Do you deliver worldwide?

Yes, we can deliver worldwide! Please select your country when entering your address.

How can I track my order?

To track your order, log in to your account. Or go here:

Track my order

How and when is my parcel shipped?

Your parcel will be sent by recorded delivery the day after you place your order (excluding weekends). You will receive an e-mail when your parcel is shipped, with a tracking number so you can follow it until it arrives in your mailbox.

ATTENTION: Tracking may take 24 to 48 hours to become active.


How well do Ohmycase cases protect the phone?

Phone covers are reputed to be the most protective on the market. Tested over 100 times against drops from all angles, they guarantee maximum protection for your phone.

Do phone covers turn yellow?

No, our phone covers are made not to yellow.

How much does an Ohmycase phone cover cost?

Our phone covers are priced at €24.99.

Which hulls are customizable?

You can find Customizable Cases here: 

Personalize my hull

Our brand

Where is Ohmycase located?

We are located in Caen. All our products are shipped from our phone shell production warehouse.

I'm an artist and I'd like to collaborate with you. How do I go about it?

Great, we love collaborating with talent. If you'd like to create a collection of phone covers featuring you, send us an email at [email protected]. Our team will contact you to discuss the next steps.

Does Ohmycase have physical stores?

No, Ohmycase has no physical stores. We only sell our products online.

I have a store and would like to sell your products. Who do I contact?

If you would like to sell our products in your store, please contact us at : [email protected]. Our team will contact you as soon as possible.

I'm an influencer and I'd like to collaborate with you. Who should I contact?

We invite you to contact us by e-mail at [email protected] or on our Instagram account @ohmycase.