Virginie Cochet

Art director and visual designer, I decided to follow the path of my passion by devoting myself fully to illustration. Instinctive and spontaneous, I express myself in images above all else: the urge to concretize mental images, sharing my emotions through colors, searching for symbolic values in textures and patterns... In addition to commercial projects, I develop portrait series in which women are strong, confident, free and full of positive energy. Supported by shimmering colors, these female figures are an integral part of my trademark.


Virginie Cochet

Virginie Cochet

Virginie Cochet

Virginie Cochet

Virginie Cochet

Virginie Cochet

Virginie Cochet

Virginie Cochet

Virginie Cochet

Virginie Cochet

Virginie Cochet

Virginie Cochet

Virginie Cochet

Virginie Cochet

Virginie Cochet

Virginie Cochet

Virginie Cochet

Virginie Cochet